Create Your Wealth
You will create some amount of wealth over time even without a financial plan. Just the normal savings, 401(k), insurance, and so forth.
Grow Your Wealth
Everyone has some amount of wealth, and everyone has a common goal to grow their wealth. The question is, how do you grow wealth?
We believe you can grow your wealth more efficiently by eliminating wealth transfers and saving taxes, than you can by earning higher returns.
Protect Your Wealth
Protecting your wealth is important, but what are you protecting it from?
Planning costs nothing, not planning may cost everything.
Building up a family's fortune is like moving earth with a needle, but losing a family's fortune can be as swift as a boat rushing downstream with the current
Distribute Wealth
You work hard for your money, and you want to distribute it to your family and causes you care about. There are many potential traps and pitfalls along the way.
When you're born you don't bring it with you; when you die you can't take it with you.